Gardena Rain Sensor electronic

Gardena Rain Sensor electronic

Gardena 1189

The Gardena 1189 Electronic Rain Sensor senses rainfall and adjusts your automatic irrigation programs accordingly. Irrigation is not started if it is raining or stops if it rains during irrigation.

The optical-electronic sensor allows to react rapidly rainfall, this saving water. The Rain Sensor can be spiked into the soil next to the plants or on a solid surface. The Gardena Electronic Rain Sensor comes with a 5 m connecting cable and plug. One 9V alkaline battery (not included) is required. This will be sufficient for about a year of reliable sensing.

The following Gardena water computers can be used in conjunction with the sensor:

Water Timer 6 Cycle (Gardena 1814)

EasyControl (Gardena 1881)

FlexControl (Gardena 1883)

SelectControl (Gardena 1885)

T 1030 card (Gardena 1830)

MultiControl (Gardena 1862)

MultiControl duo (Gardena 1874)

MasterControl (Gardena 1864)

MasterControl solar (Gardena 1866)

Irrigation Control Systems 4040 modular (Gardena 1276)

Irrigation Control System 4030 (Gardena 1283)

Irrigation Control System 6030 (Gardena 1284)

Controller 9V (Gardena 1250)

Flower Box Watering(Gardena 1407)

